
Email your local MP: Help protect Australia’s Heard & McDonald Islands

Lying 4,000 km southwest of Perth, the Heard and McDonald Islands are the only Sub-Antarctic island group with an entirely intact ecosystem, free of any known species directly introduced by humans!  

The government has kickstarted a once-in-a-decade opportunity to increase protection around these islands by releasing their draft marine park plan.  

The draft plan is a good start, but important seafloor habitats and feeding grounds for wildlife like Antarctic fur seals, elephant seals, penguins, albatrosses, whales and fish are under-protected.  
Tens of thousands of Australians have written to Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek calling for stronger marine protection around these Aussie Islands.

But to get increased protection over the line we will need the support of others in Parliament, one of the best ways to do that is by contacting your local Member!  

Will you take one minute to contact your local MP and ask them to champion science-based sanctuaries to safeguard Heard and McDonald Islands’ marine life?  
With your help and the support of your MP, we can ensure the Heard and McDonald Islands, and the millions of marine animals that call it home, can be protected for future generations.  

Read the letter text

The Federal Environment Minister has released a draft marine park plan for Australia’s Heard and McDonald Islands. A public consultation into this draft plan has just wrapped with tens of thousands of Australians raising their concerns about the lack of protection for key conservation features including important wildlife feeding grounds.  
As my local member of Parliament, I urge you to encourage the Minister to increase sanctuary protection for these important areas in the expanded Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Park. 
The government’s draft plan does not adequately protect key conservation features, such as undersea canyons, unique seamounts and the Williams Ridge.  
These areas have important seafloor habitat and support feeding grounds for species such as Antarctic fur seals, elephant seals, penguins, albatrosses and many species of fish.    

The government’s own science report acknowledged the value of these areas, and the inadequate protection of key seafloor habitat, foraging areas for albatross and macaroni penguins, and for areas supporting an abundance and variety of fish. It also highlighted the global significance of these waters, and the threats posed by climate change, pollution, fishing and invasive species.   
These points were also recognised in a recent independent scientific study which recommended protection for six key conservation features – five of which are not adequately protected as part of the draft plan.     

As my local representative, I urge you to help ensure an increase in fully protected marine sanctuaries (IUCN II) for key conservation features – prioritising protection for the southern canyons and Williams Ridge including the seamounts – in the final plan.  
Tens of thousands of Australians have called for strong marine protection around these areas.  
Will you join these voices and help create a legacy we can all can be proud of? 

Yours sincerely,  

Protect the marine life of Heard and McDonald Islands. Urge your MP to support strong, science-based marine sanctuaries today! 

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